Sales Tip #1

I know this sounds basic and elementary.  However, over the past 2 yrs I’ve experienced an increase in this sales tactic that doesn’t work.  The tactic I’m referring to is the practice of SPAMMING your inbox with unwanted emails after you’ve given the person your business card. Continue reading

Buckle Up?

When I drive and when I’m a passenger is someone’s car, I always buckle up.  However, during a recent trip where I rode on buses I where buckling up was not an option, I began to think “why is it ok to not wear a seatbelt on buses and other transportation options like trollies?”  Is it any safer to ride in a vehicle such as a bus?  It’s one of those things in life that I take for granted.  I’ve rode on hundreds of buses in my lifetime and never gave it much thought, until now.  Occasionally, a bus will offer seat belts, but I’ll rarely use them out of habit.  Since I only ride buses or other forms of public transportation when I’m on vacation or a business trip, I don’t think about it often.  I wonder if anyone else has given much thought to this?

Day 43 – 365 Days of Thanksgiving Challenge

It’s the 43rd day of my 365 day Thanksgiving challenge.  I haven’t been able to keep pace with the daily posting of thanks.  My work and family schedule makes it difficult to keep up.  However, it doesn’t mean that the spirit of the challenge was lost during that time.  On a daily basis I’ve been thinking about things to be thankful for.

Day 9 – 365 Days of Thanksgiving Challenge

It’s the 9th day of my 365 day Thanksgiving challenge.  I’m getting ready to travel to Las Vegas to watch the National Finals Rodeo.   Continue reading

Day 8 – 365 Days of Thanksgiving Challenge

It’s the 8th day of my 365 day Thanksgiving challenge.  It’s beginning to cool down a little in Scottsdale.  Then it dawned on me that it’s December 2nd! Continue reading